Hello and welcome back to Memphis Maids! Do you have a messy home and don’t know where to start? Here are 3 tasks to tackle first when your house feels like a mess!
If you have visitors coming soon, we know it’s not easy to decide where to start. You might feel overwhelmed and pressured to get everything done in a minute.
Or maybe you just don’t have visitors but your house feels like a mess, you look around and don’t know where to start.
Before we begin, remember to check Memphis Maids, our cleaning service in Memphis. If you’ve never booked a maid service before, we know you might be hesitant to book one or choose the perfect cleaning service for you.
That’s why we always recommend you look for a cleaning service with good reviews, a lot of experience, and fantastic customer service.
But perhaps you want to clean your house on your own. If that’s the case, here are Memphis Maids’ top 3 tasks to tackle first when your house feels like a mess. Let’s start right away!
Focus on High Impact Areas
The key to clean a messy home is learning how to focus on high impact areas.
Here’s a great trick to quickly know where to start in each room: stand in a corner and quickly scan from top to bottom until you notice whatever grabs your attention and that feels out of place. Take care of that area, stand back again in a corner, and rinse and repeat!
Clearing clutter is the #1 key to significantly improving your home’s tidiness.
Just by taking away items and store them where they belong, your home will look cleaner, even if you don’t actually cleaned or sanitized surfaces.
Focus on living spaces, especially if you’re running out of time. Focus on big, flat surfaces like dinner tables, coffee tables, and desks.
Pro-tip: set a 20-minute timer to tidy up as many items/areas as possible. You might find helpful to grab a basket to carry items back to their right place.

Load the Dishwasher (or Wash Dishes by hand)
Having a sink full of dirty dishes is not a pretty sight. It’s not only unsanitary. It also makes the entire house feel messy and creates stress.
If the sink is nice and clean, it automatically makes the kitchen look tidier. Just by loading dishes on your dishwasher, you will feel a weight lifting off your shoulders.
For pots and pans, remember to add boiling hot water and a few drops of dish soap. If you have burnt food on your pots or pans, add 1/2 tbsp of baking soda. Let sit for 15 minutes while you’re taking care of dishes and other utensils.
Return to your pots and pans and scrub with a non-scratch scrubber. A tidy kitchen can become one of the happiest places in your home!

Vacuum or Sweep Your Floors
Last but not least, your floors. You may not notice at the beginning, but once you vacuum or sweep your floors, and especially after mopping them, you will realize how dirty your floors can get.
Once again, we recommend you set a timer to sweep and vacuum your floors. A 200-sqft room should take you 5 minutes, so use this proportion as a guide for the rest of your home.
It shouldn’t take you longer than 30 minutes (per task). By setting up a time limit, you will work faster and you will focus on finishing your tasks before taking a break.

That’s it! Our top 3 tasks to tackle first when your house feels like a mess. By focusing on visible, cluttered spaces, your home will look tidier over all and your home won’t feel like a mess.
With just a bit of focus and the right approach, your home will look nice and tidy. Remember, it’s okay to start small. Your home doesn’t have to look perfect at the end. Even tackling one of these tasks can make a noticeable difference.
Once again, remember to check Memphis Maids booking page if you need a cleaning service in Memphis. We’ll be back with more cleaning tips! Stay tuned!